Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Stationery card

Wishing You Merry Christmas Card
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Thursday, November 17, 2011

32 Weeks

Okay..I knew it was bad, but 11 weeks? Holy Moly...I've got some updating to do!

Let's start with the pics...

Yeah...I've slacked on that too. but seriously, I don't see a big difference.  I feel like a grew fast and early and now it's just kind of been a slow growth since then.

How far along? 32w4d

Maternity clothes?  Of course...although I'm not enjoying my mat clothes as much as I did last time. I am all about comfort and at home wear as little as possible!

Feeling: I feel like I kind of went through a rough patch where I was kind of grumpy all the time, but I think I've got a little more energy back.  Overall the RLP/sciatica is still there (the main problem I think being that I have not been very active!) But I think the Chiro/Massage care I've been getting has made a huge difference.

Sleep: Most of the time not too bad.  I'm up once usually for the bathroom. Some nights I've had trouble getting back to sleep, but once I get settled I'm good to go.

Food cravings or aversions: Weird...I only really like to eat during the day. I have no interest in supper. I sometimes try to eat something before bed so I'm not starving, but I'm just really losing my appetite.

Best moment this week:  Lyla slept in her crib with the side taken off ( toddler bed! ) and she's been doing fantastic.  She's such a great little sleeper, I'm so excited to move her to her big girl room once it's ready to go.

Movement: Yep...and starting to hurt now and then. 

Gender:  team green!

Labor Signs: n/a

What I miss:  Being able to keep up with Lyla, I feel like she gets bored with me pretty quickly because I usually just want to put my feet up.

What I’m nervous about:  Doing okay right now.

What I am looking forward to this week: The weekend. I have Dr. appointments tomorrow so I'm taking the Friday off, and enjoying a long weekend!

Milestones & new this week  1 Month left of work...and less than 2 months until my due date! Crazy!

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Wednesday, August 31, 2011

21w 3d

How far along? 21w3d

Maternity clothes?  Yep...last week for this question, seems a little silly now.

Feeling: Feeling pretty good this week. Have a massage and chiro appointment today..that should make me feel even better.

Sleep: Pretty good...slept like a rock last night!

Food cravings or aversions: anything sweet!

Best moment this week:  Date night with dh!

Movement: Lots...so fun

Gender:  team green!

Labor Signs: n/a

What I miss:  I think I'm pretty happy right now

What I’m nervous about:  Doing okay right now.

What I am looking forward to this week: Finished up my work today...heading out on vacation tomorrow! So very very excited!

Milestones & new this week  Nothing really..definitely feeling the belly in the way more now.

This weeks bump pic..feeling good :)

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Friday, August 26, 2011

20 weeks! Half way!

How far along? 20w5d...poor baby #2...I promise mommy loves you just as much as your sister!

Maternity clothes?  Yes, and very comfortable

Feeling: I hate saying it, but I'm achy and sore most of the time...and it sucks! but overall feeling pretty good.

Sleep: Not too bad...nice flat pillow under my belly and I'm all set

Food cravings or aversions: Food in general :)

Best moment this week:  We had our A/S...all is good, baby was adorable of course! lol

Movement: Quite a bit...loving it

Gender:  team green! (but dh is starting to waver...hmmm, we'll see)

Labor Signs: n/a

What I miss:  Nothing right now

What I’m nervous about:  Doing okay right now.

What I am looking forward to this week: Only 1 more week until vacation! Yay

Milestones & new this week  Half way! OMG how did that happen? This is going so quickly!

This weeks bump pic: Starting to really see it now!

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Wednesday, August 3, 2011


How far along? 17w13...oops falling behind on this one!

Total weight gain:  I'm guessing about 10lbs

Maternity clothes?  yep, that's a given...probably can get rid of this question now :)

Feeling: Pretty good most of the time, still get a little tired here and there. Part of that is because getting comfortable is getting tougher.

Sleep: Pretty good, just need to figure out the right pillow configuration!

Food cravings or aversions: Nope, nothing too serious...still loving my chocolate milk!

Best moment this week:  The best moment is going to be when I get home today! I finally called a cleaning service...I'm so excited to go home to a clean house!  Also swimming with the family on Sunday. Felt so great!

Movement: Haven't felt a lot...looking forward to that!

Gender:  team green!

Labor Signs: n/a

What I miss:  Being comfortable, I feel like I'm constantly adjusting.

What I’m nervous about:  Doing okay right now.

What I am looking forward to this week: A 3 day week! Yay!

Milestones & new this week  Not too much, this kiddo is growing for sure, but I kind of feel like I'm just on cruise control now.

This weeks bump pic: Still feeling 'thick'..not so much pregnant.

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Monday, July 11, 2011


How far along? 14w1d

Total weight gain:  Couple more lbs I think

Maternity clothes?  most of the time. wearing regular summer dresses, that's the most comfortable thing right now.

Feeling: Pretty good most of the time, still get a little tired here and there.

Sleep:  Just got a memory foam topper for our mattress and I think it's going to make sleep a lot better.

Food cravings or aversions:  I wanted chinese food on the weekend...yuck, it made me feel nasty and I ended up tossing most of it.

Best moment this week:  The weekend! My inlaws offered to take Lyla for the weekend, and Greg was away, so from Saturday am til about 4pm on Sunday I was all by myself!! I really missed Lyla, but I think it was good for both of us, and I got some much needed rest!

Movement: Can't wait for it to get more consistent!

Gender:  team green!

Labor Signs: n/a

What I miss:  I kind of wish I wanted to go out and do more, but I'm happier just relaxing at home these days.

What I’m nervous about:  Doing okay right now.

What I am looking forward to this week: a 4 day week! yay! I have Friday off and hopefully will have a great day with Lyla!

Milestones & new this week  I think we are into the 'lemon' size this week.  I think I'm showing more, a few more work people have been commenting.  Also new this week? Swimming! That's right, I'm getting by fat rear into a bathing suit and hitting the pool for some lunch time exercise! lol Should be interesting!

This weeks bump pic Hopefully will get better at taking one each week, would like to be able to compare to last time!

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Monday, July 4, 2011


How far along? 13w1d

Total weight gain: I think I'm going to go by my home scale, because it's a lot different than the Dr.'s, (6lbs!), and that is the one I've been using since the start...sooo 1st tri weight gain = 5lbs

Maternity clothes? Yeah, but so annoying that a lot of the shirts are so big, trying to find a happy medium.

Feeling: Much better! Yay. Still enjoying my sleep though...last night was another 8pm bedtime!

Sleep: Most of the time it's been great.

Food cravings or aversions:  Hasn't been an issue this week.  Now that the nausea has past it's time to start getting back on the healthy eating train though!

Best moment this week: Meeting my new nephew!! So cute! AND I heard the heart beat on Wednesday, that was awesome!

Movement: I swear I have felt something a couple of times...weird!

Gender: ?

Labor Signs: n/a

What I miss: Not much right now.

What I’m nervous about:  I'm feeling pretty settled right now.

What I am looking forward to this week: Trying to get caught up at work and home...being exhausted all the time is tough on the schedule.

Milestones & new this week  Entering the 2nd tri! woohoo!  and, I believe baby is the size of a peach..lol

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Monday, June 27, 2011


How far along? 12w1d

Total weight gain: Few lbs, not sure

Maternity clothes? Yeah, but I think the bloat is gone now, so time to bring on the real bump! lol

Feeling: Big time turnaround last week. It was on Wed I woke up and felt somewhat alive...it was fantastic! Still tired, but no where near as bad as it was.  Excited to enter into the 'fun' part of being pregnant.

Sleep: Hit and miss

Food cravings or aversions:  Loving my chocolate milk...and marshmallows...lol, weird eh?

Best moment this week: Realizing I was coming out of my m/s phase...amazing!!

Movement: There's something going on down there!

Gender: ?

Labor Signs: n/a

What I miss: I have really been craving a glass of red wine. I didn't have this issue last time, I think maybe it's just time of year.

What I’m nervous about:  First real appointment on Wednesday...just hope everything is okay.

What I am looking forward to this week: My appointment of course. And right after that I have a massage and chiro appointment...that will be awesome. Also a long weekend! Yay Canada Day!

Milestones & new this week...just feeling better, that's the big milestone, and making it to 12 weeks. Seemed so far away for so long!
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Monday, June 20, 2011


How far along? 11w1d

Total weight gain: Few lbs, not sure

Maternity clothes? Yeah, and I'm feeling really frumpy, that annoying 'thick' look.

Feeling: Generally okay, just hating getting up and going to work, I would rather stay home and rest when I need to. I think I'm going to need to set up a little nap space for lunch time around here!

Sleep: All over the place.  I'm SO tired, but then can't fall asleep, last night I was awake half the night, very frustrating.

Food cravings or aversions:  Nope...still trying to kick the pepsi...

Best moment this week: All of our family knows now, which makes things much easier.

Movement: Nope

Gender: ?

Labor Signs: n/a

What I miss: Being more active, I know I could be, but I'm just so tired!

What I’m nervous about:  I haven't had a chance to see/hear a heartbeat yet, won't be until next week. I just need to know everything is okay.

What I am looking forward to this week: It's only a 4 day week. And there is supposed to be sun most of the week, we've had a horrible spring!

Milestones & new this week: Baby is the size of a lime! That's like a real tangible thing now, crazy.

Other updates? I took 2 days off last week to just rest, it was great, and I got all my clothes organized/laundry done, which was a huge load off. I feel like I could fill 2 weeks just getting things organized around the house though.  We spend the weekend with the inlaws and it was pretty good actually.  We had lobster yesterday for Father's Day, and Lyla had fun being spoiled.  Hoping to continue feeling better this week!
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Monday, June 13, 2011


How far along? 10w1d

Total weight gain: Few lbs, not sure

Maternity clothes? Yeah, and I'm feeling really frumpy, that annoying 'thick' look.

Feeling: Still yucky, I'm hoping and praying that 12 weeks will bring back some energy, I feel so mopey most of the time, getting frustrating.

Sleep: more would be good :(

Food cravings or aversions:  Nothing really, just random how one moment something sounds good, and the next ...yuck.

Best moment this week: nothing too exciting.

Movement: Nope

Gender: ?

Labor Signs: n/a

What I miss: enjoying getting dressed, and I really wanted a glass of red wine this weekend.

What I’m nervous about:  Having to go stay with the inlaws this weekend. I'd rather mope in my own house!

What I am looking forward to this week: hoping that everyday I'll feel a little better, and hopefully start getting some exercise in!

Milestones & new this week: Baby is the size of a prune! I'll be going to get blood work, make sure everything is on track.

Other updates?  Just have a chiro appointment this week, that usually makes me feel better. Trying really hard to get meals better organized. when I eat healthier I usually feel better overall.  That's about it!

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Thursday, June 9, 2011

Monday, June 6, 2011


How far along? 9w1d

Total weight gain: I think it's a couple of lbs now.

Maternity clothes? Yeah, and loving it. Not everything obviously, a lot of the pants and stuff are way to big, but I ordered a few summer tops from Old Navy, and they are SO perfect. They just make me feel more put together, and I don't have to be pulling at them all the time.

Feeling: hmmm...not to sure how to describe it. Find sometimes, exhausted most of the time.  really hungry, then ridiculously full.  Good times.

Sleep: okay, hit and miss really

Food cravings or aversions:  Nothing in particular no. Lots of chocolate milk...cause I can!

Best moment this week: Lyla's party. She had so much fun and was so cute. Love that girl!

Movement: Nope

Gender: ?

Labor Signs: n/a

What I miss: waking up feeling rested, enjoying preparing/eating a meal.

What I’m nervous about:  Keeping up with work, I feel like I'm only operating at about 50% right now.

What I am looking forward to this week: Nothing too exciting. Hoping that I continue to feel decent most of the time. And hoping for some nice weather.

Milestones & new this week:  Size of an olive...grow baby grow!

Other notables?  Had the whole family and a bunch of other people over for the party on the weekend. My parents were a great help (pretty much cleaned my whole house), and made sure that I took lots of breaks. Its frustrating  not having the energy I want, but it went a lot better than I thought it would.

Also, we booked our summer/fall vacation . I'm standing in a wedding so we booked a cottage for the week leading up to it.  going to be so nice to have that to look forward to all summer.

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Tuesday, May 31, 2011


How far along? 8w2d..hard to believe

Total weight gain: not really paying attention

Maternity clothes? pants? yep, I'm sure I could button my regular pants but it's so uncomfortable.

Feeling: This is kind of day to day/hour to hour.  I do think the diclectin is working, and I haven't been as spacey as I was last week, but still there are moments when I just want to go lie down throughout the day.

Sleep: Better, just never enough of it.

Food cravings or aversions:  Nothing in particular.  I've been drinking lots of chocolate milk, but I think that's just because I want to ! lol

Best moment this week: Telling my Mom, it's nice to be able to talk to her about things.

Movement: nope

Gender: ?

Labor Signs: Thankfully no

What I miss: Having the energy to keep up with Lyla

What I’m nervous about:  Dealing with all of our family this weekend.

What I am looking forward to this week: Lyla's birthday party! I can't believe she is going to be 2!

Milestones & new this week: I think we are now at the size of a raspberry...nothing else too exciting.

 In general I'm just kind of dopey.  I would love to just kind of sit around the house all day napping and snacking as I please.  Mornings, the getting up part have been tough. And I'm finding the afternoons at work really long. I've been trying to find reasons to get out of the office. I find if I'm busy and doing things it's not as bad.
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Tuesday, May 24, 2011


How far along? 7 weeks...yep, missed week 6, it was pretty nasty!

Total weight gain: Honestly? No idea

Maternity clothes? Nothing fits, it's ridiculous. But I haven't pulled out the 'stretchy pants' just yet.

Feeling: Pretty yucky.  Not actually getting sick, thankfully, but exhausted..and just yucky.

Sleep: Annoyingly bad!  I go to bed because I'm SO tired and then I can't get to sleep.

Food cravings or aversions:  Nothing really.

Best moment this week: Told a few people, nice to have people IRL to talk to.


Gender: ??

Labor Signs: n/a

What I miss: Not much.

What I’m nervous about:  Dealing with m/s and a VERY active toddler!

What I am looking forward to this week: Just moving along

Milestones & new this week: Baby is the size of a blueberry. I think there are hands and feet forming in there!

So a general update on last week. Lyla got the flu...yuck, not fun.  Then m/s hit me...also not fun. I was only in my office 1 day and could barely keep my eyes open.  Napped forever but still didn't feel any better.  Did start on diclectin, which I guess is keeping me from getting sick, but it's surely not helping with the exhaustion.  I have had a moment or two of energy, but I'm just overall blah this week.

So positive! lol Really not that bad, thankful I'm not sick like I was last time (yet). Going to work really hard at squeezing some walks in this week!
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Monday, May 9, 2011


How far along? 5 weeks

Total weight gain: Still floating around normal...although the way I'm eating today...who knows!

Maternity clothes? Nope, surprisingly not to uncomfortable.

Feeling: Okay...feeling the fatigue/nausea here and there.

Sleep: Okay

Food cravings or aversions:  Just general, really hungry, then super full etc.

Best moment this week: Nothing too spectacular.


Gender: ??

Labor Signs: n/a

What I miss: Not much.

What I’m nervous about:  Dealing with m/s and a VERY active toddler!

What I am looking forward to this week: Just moving along

Milestones & new this week: Baby is the size of an apple seed! I'll likely get in to see my Dr. this week.

I don't really love this format for my weekly updates, so I think I'm going to have to come up with something a little more exciting for next week!

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Wednesday, May 4, 2011

the many faces of Lyla!

I recently got an iphone (yay) and it is Lyla's favorite 'toy' right now. She especially loves that she can look at her self and take pictures at the same time. It's hilarious!

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Monday, May 2, 2011


How far along? 4 weeks

Total weight gain: Hopefully none yet!

Maternity clothes? Nope, expecting the bloat to kick in soon!

Feeling: Awesome so far...trying to get as much done before m/s sets in.

Sleep: Great!

Food cravings or aversions: Nope

Best moment this week: Seeing dh's reaction to the news.


Gender: ??
Labor Signs: n/a

What I miss: Not much.

What I’m nervous about:  if m/s is going to be as bad this time around.

What I am looking forward to this week: Just moving along

Milestones & new this week: Baby is the size of a poppy seed! lol It's so hard to even imagine that. Amazing.

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Thursday, April 28, 2011

Here we go again!

It's VERY early...but I'm trying to remain positive.  Baby #2 is due Jan. 8th 2012!!

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Thursday, April 14, 2011

Shutterfly does it again!

Field Of Flowers Mother's Day 5x7 folded card
Make Mother's Day special with Shutterfly cards for mom.
View the entire collection of cards.
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Monday, February 28, 2011

I buckled down with the grocery store flyer on Friday and planned out our meals for this week.  I'm excited for all the great food we are having this week, plus I saved a ton at the grocery store knowing what I was going after!

Sunday - Pork Tenderloin, potatoes & steamed veggies

Monday - Leftover pork as fajitas & tossed salad

Tuesday - Parmesan baked haddock

Wednesday - T bone steak (it was 2 for 1!) Going to attempt to do this in the oven, unless G gets home early and wants to stand out in the cold!

Thursday - Slowcooker chicken Fettucini  (needs to be a slowcooker night because we have kindermusik at 6:15

Friday - Pizza & Ceasar Salad

I don't worry too much about the weekend, either G will come up with something or we'll go our with friends.

Looking forward to making this a weekly post!
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Thursday, January 27, 2011

daddys valentine

Heart Stripe Red Valentine's Day Card
Modern greeting cards and party invitations by Shutterfly.
View the entire collection of cards.