Tuesday, March 31, 2009

31 weeks, 2 months to go!

March 31 today, and another snow storm! This has been a super long winter and it's kind of making me wish I was putting my education degree to a bit better use. The schools in the board around where I work are on snow day number 16! That's crazy, although i would imagine if I was a high school teacher I'd be getting a little stressed about getting all the work done.

Had a pretty good week. Greg has been sick, and I've been having moments of feeling not so hot, but so far I haven't gotten as sick as him. He was away for a couple days on the weekend, so hopefully I won't catch it. I also had my parents over for a visit on the weekend. It was really nice to have them here and to get a chance to share some of the baby prep stuff with them. We went shopping and they bought our pack n play and I bought our car seat. I'm pretty happy with both purchases.
Both were on sale at Sears this week, so I thought it would be a good chance to pick them up.

Other than shopping, we went out to dinner one night, but just stayed pretty close to home the rest of the weekend. They will be back over when the baby arrives, but I know that our visits will never be the same again, so tried to soak up the quiet time with them.

We have our first prenatal class at the hospital where I'll be delivering tonight. We've had a few already but they were at a community health center near our place. Tonight is all about labor and delivery so it should be pretty interesting. I've also got a 32 week appointment with my OB tomorrow, and a dentist appointment on Thursday so it's going to be a busy week.

Overall, I'm starting to feel a little more tired again. I'm trying to get to bed early, and when I get to sleep I'm usually fine. The days I don't get sleep are pretty miserable. I find the long days at my desk pretty tough, and spend quite a bit of time day dreaming about going to bed again! My stomach has been a little testy too, I need to be careful not to eat too much at one time, or to eat anything too heavy. But in general I really can't complain.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Just cause she's cute

30 weeks, 3/4 done

Still moving along, everything seems to be going well. My only complaint continues to be the swelling, I got in the tub last night and couldn't believe my big thick ankles, so attractive. One concern right now is that Greg is really sick, well he's boy sick, which means lots of drama a sulking. I'm just hoping I can avoid it. Maybe it's a good thing that he's going away this weekend so he's not around me. My parent's are going to come over for the weekend, so it will be nice to spend some time with them.

Saturday I went to a cloth diapering workshop which was a great source of information, but now has me kind of obsessed and trying to figure things out. Trying to make things cost effective, but also easy enough that we (mainly dh) will want to stick with it. I'm not too worried about the first couple of weeks. If we find things are too hectic as it is and we need to do some disposables we will, but I'd like to get into the rythm asap. I've been spending lots of time researching and have come up with lots of ideas, I just have to sit down and make some decisions.

Not a lot of other news right now, so just this weeks pics...growing and growing!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

29 Weeks, 3 days

Spring is almost here! So exciting! I'm loving the warmer weather, for many different reasons. The number one reason is that my winter jacket now makes me feel like an even bigger marshmallow than I normally do, and my spring one can't button any more...so it's an open spring jacket, regardless of the weather (come on warm weather!).

Lots of pics this week, so not a ton of news. Lots and lots of movement, sleeping pretty good, still through the night on some nights. Started our prenatal classes last week, have 5 more to go, so far so good. LOVED having last Friday off, made the whole week so much more tolerable and I got a ton of work done knowing I wouldn't be there on Friday. That's about it, maybe I'll update later in the week.

Enjoy the pics!
Belly pics, 29w3d

A special gift from a new Mommy friend of mine. Her advice to me was to enjoy this time 'alone' with the baby, because before you know it you'll have to share him/her with everyone else!

Even DH has started 'nesting', I went in the baby's room last night to find that he had taken the few little things that we have gotten for baby so far and hung them in the closet. So cute. Plus...love the closet organizer he put in for me.

One of my favorite things in the baby's room, the light fixture, so pretty.

Crib is in place, just put the bedding in to see how it would look, dh still has lots of stuff laying around in there. Next step...need some curtains!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

28 Weeks...7 Months!

I need to start by being so very thankful for how great I've been feeling. I have my down moments, when trying to haul myself off the couch or out of bed for example, but overall, I really can't complain. I can eat whatever I want (smaller portions usually), and seem to be on a pretty normal sleep pattern too. I've even gone back to sleeping through the night without having to pee! That's amazing!

We've gotten the nursery well under way. Floor is in, paint done, closet organizer up, light fixture in (although at this point it's not working...I'm just not going to mention it for a few days) I just can't wait for Greg to finish with the details so that I can can my hands in there and do the fun stuff!

Fitness class is still going well. I will admit that it's a lot harder now, and I've even been aching a little more the day after, but it still feels good. And we've had some great weather too, so I'm going to be getting my butt walking very soon.

Actually, the most exciting news this week will help in my goal to be walking more! I just arranged my vacation/leave time, and it actually kind of kicks in this week! I decided to start my 1 year Mat leave 2 weeks prior to my due date. I know that means I'll have to go back to work before babies birthday, but hopefully he/she will understand that Mommy needs some time before their arrival to get things straightened away and hopefully get a little rest. But since I don't know if I'll go on time/early/late, I don't want to leave my vacation until then and then not get to use it. So I've decided to take an extra long Easter weekend (3 extra days), which still leaves me with 7 vacation/overtime days to use up. So I've decided to start 4 day weeks! Woohoo! I think this will make me much more productive on the days that I am here, and will let me get lots of stuff around the house on days when Greg isn't there and I can just focus on one task at a time. I'm so excited.

So that's about it for now. 12 weeks to go!

Monday, March 9, 2009

My next 30 years...

Hard to believe, but I'm 'all grown up'! lol Well, on paper anyway. Saturday was my 30th birthday and it was a great day. Had a lazy Saturday morning, and then went to watch some volleyball. I'm not coaching a team this year but some of the girls I coached last year were playing so I thought I'd go cheer them on. Then I just came home and had a relaxing afternoon. Greg told me we were going to supper, so I assumed that maybe there would be some of my friends there. I was pleasantly surprised to find a whole bunch of my friends waiting for me at a house where they had a kind of surprise potluck...so fun. Pretty layed back night but was really nice. I just realized the next morning that I didn't take any pics so I thought I better take a picture of the beautiful flowers a couple of my girlfriends gave me. So nice.

When asked how I felt about my 30th? What else could I ask for? An amazing husband, great friends and our first baby on the way. Life doesn't get much better than this.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

You are all belly....Liars! lol

So lately everyone keeps telling me that it's 'all belly', doesn't look like I've gained much weight at all! Well, from the pants that no longer come up over my hips, and the steadily increasing numbers on the scale I know for a fact that this isn't true, but I thought that I would take a good look at the only way to really tell, the before/after pics. I've been taking pictures in different clothes each week, and thought a direct comparison from the beginning would help. Anyway...here is the real truth!

Well, at least the shirt still covers my belly...my guess is it won't be doing that for much longer!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009


I'm feeling pretty scattered today, it's like time is flying by and I have no control over it. It's not that things are stressful, it's just all coming at me at once. The days that used to drag on are now going by so quickly that I can't keep track of what's going on.

We had a pretty busy weekend. Curling Friday night (we won! lol), got to hang out with our friends new baby. He was born at 33 weeks, and now at 8 weeks old weighs just 7lbs, so cute. Saturday I had to work for a bit, and then we had Greg's parents over for supper. Greg and his Dad put together the crib and one of the dressers, which was nice for them to do together. Sunday we had church in the morning, then friends over for brunch. In the afternoon we went and bought a mattress for the crib(at Sears) and a closet organizer system and light fixture at Home Depot. I can't wait for Greg to finish all the 'construction' stuff in the nursery so I can get going with the fun stuff!

I also had my WinRho shot on Friday, not really a big deal, but another thing checked off the list, which was great. I had to go to the hospital where I'll be delivering to get it done so while I was there I registered as a patient and confirmed that I will have a private room. My insurance covers up to a semi private and for only $15/night more I could reserve a private, so I was happy to do that.

Still feeling really good. Had a day that I was really uncomfortable last week, just weird pressure and stuff, but to be honest it was probably just something I ate. I felt a ton better the next day. Still enjoying our fitness class, still waiting for some better weather so I can get out walking.

That's it, here are the 27 week pics.

26 week pics...better late than never.