Monday, July 11, 2011


How far along? 14w1d

Total weight gain:  Couple more lbs I think

Maternity clothes?  most of the time. wearing regular summer dresses, that's the most comfortable thing right now.

Feeling: Pretty good most of the time, still get a little tired here and there.

Sleep:  Just got a memory foam topper for our mattress and I think it's going to make sleep a lot better.

Food cravings or aversions:  I wanted chinese food on the weekend...yuck, it made me feel nasty and I ended up tossing most of it.

Best moment this week:  The weekend! My inlaws offered to take Lyla for the weekend, and Greg was away, so from Saturday am til about 4pm on Sunday I was all by myself!! I really missed Lyla, but I think it was good for both of us, and I got some much needed rest!

Movement: Can't wait for it to get more consistent!

Gender:  team green!

Labor Signs: n/a

What I miss:  I kind of wish I wanted to go out and do more, but I'm happier just relaxing at home these days.

What I’m nervous about:  Doing okay right now.

What I am looking forward to this week: a 4 day week! yay! I have Friday off and hopefully will have a great day with Lyla!

Milestones & new this week  I think we are into the 'lemon' size this week.  I think I'm showing more, a few more work people have been commenting.  Also new this week? Swimming! That's right, I'm getting by fat rear into a bathing suit and hitting the pool for some lunch time exercise! lol Should be interesting!

This weeks bump pic Hopefully will get better at taking one each week, would like to be able to compare to last time!

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Monday, July 4, 2011


How far along? 13w1d

Total weight gain: I think I'm going to go by my home scale, because it's a lot different than the Dr.'s, (6lbs!), and that is the one I've been using since the start...sooo 1st tri weight gain = 5lbs

Maternity clothes? Yeah, but so annoying that a lot of the shirts are so big, trying to find a happy medium.

Feeling: Much better! Yay. Still enjoying my sleep though...last night was another 8pm bedtime!

Sleep: Most of the time it's been great.

Food cravings or aversions:  Hasn't been an issue this week.  Now that the nausea has past it's time to start getting back on the healthy eating train though!

Best moment this week: Meeting my new nephew!! So cute! AND I heard the heart beat on Wednesday, that was awesome!

Movement: I swear I have felt something a couple of times...weird!

Gender: ?

Labor Signs: n/a

What I miss: Not much right now.

What I’m nervous about:  I'm feeling pretty settled right now.

What I am looking forward to this week: Trying to get caught up at work and home...being exhausted all the time is tough on the schedule.

Milestones & new this week  Entering the 2nd tri! woohoo!  and, I believe baby is the size of a

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