Monday, June 6, 2011


How far along? 9w1d

Total weight gain: I think it's a couple of lbs now.

Maternity clothes? Yeah, and loving it. Not everything obviously, a lot of the pants and stuff are way to big, but I ordered a few summer tops from Old Navy, and they are SO perfect. They just make me feel more put together, and I don't have to be pulling at them all the time.

Feeling: hmmm...not to sure how to describe it. Find sometimes, exhausted most of the time.  really hungry, then ridiculously full.  Good times.

Sleep: okay, hit and miss really

Food cravings or aversions:  Nothing in particular no. Lots of chocolate milk...cause I can!

Best moment this week: Lyla's party. She had so much fun and was so cute. Love that girl!

Movement: Nope

Gender: ?

Labor Signs: n/a

What I miss: waking up feeling rested, enjoying preparing/eating a meal.

What I’m nervous about:  Keeping up with work, I feel like I'm only operating at about 50% right now.

What I am looking forward to this week: Nothing too exciting. Hoping that I continue to feel decent most of the time. And hoping for some nice weather.

Milestones & new this week:  Size of an olive...grow baby grow!

Other notables?  Had the whole family and a bunch of other people over for the party on the weekend. My parents were a great help (pretty much cleaned my whole house), and made sure that I took lots of breaks. Its frustrating  not having the energy I want, but it went a lot better than I thought it would.

Also, we booked our summer/fall vacation . I'm standing in a wedding so we booked a cottage for the week leading up to it.  going to be so nice to have that to look forward to all summer.

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