Tuesday, May 24, 2011


How far along? 7 weeks...yep, missed week 6, it was pretty nasty!

Total weight gain: Honestly? No idea

Maternity clothes? Nothing fits, it's ridiculous. But I haven't pulled out the 'stretchy pants' just yet.

Feeling: Pretty yucky.  Not actually getting sick, thankfully, but exhausted..and just yucky.

Sleep: Annoyingly bad!  I go to bed because I'm SO tired and then I can't get to sleep.

Food cravings or aversions:  Nothing really.

Best moment this week: Told a few people, nice to have people IRL to talk to.


Gender: ??

Labor Signs: n/a

What I miss: Not much.

What I’m nervous about:  Dealing with m/s and a VERY active toddler!

What I am looking forward to this week: Just moving along

Milestones & new this week: Baby is the size of a blueberry. I think there are hands and feet forming in there!

So a general update on last week. Lyla got the flu...yuck, not fun.  Then m/s hit me...also not fun. I was only in my office 1 day and could barely keep my eyes open.  Napped forever but still didn't feel any better.  Did start on diclectin, which I guess is keeping me from getting sick, but it's surely not helping with the exhaustion.  I have had a moment or two of energy, but I'm just overall blah this week.

So positive! lol Really not that bad, thankful I'm not sick like I was last time (yet). Going to work really hard at squeezing some walks in this week!
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