Thursday, November 17, 2011

32 Weeks

Okay..I knew it was bad, but 11 weeks? Holy Moly...I've got some updating to do!

Let's start with the pics...

Yeah...I've slacked on that too. but seriously, I don't see a big difference.  I feel like a grew fast and early and now it's just kind of been a slow growth since then.

How far along? 32w4d

Maternity clothes?  Of course...although I'm not enjoying my mat clothes as much as I did last time. I am all about comfort and at home wear as little as possible!

Feeling: I feel like I kind of went through a rough patch where I was kind of grumpy all the time, but I think I've got a little more energy back.  Overall the RLP/sciatica is still there (the main problem I think being that I have not been very active!) But I think the Chiro/Massage care I've been getting has made a huge difference.

Sleep: Most of the time not too bad.  I'm up once usually for the bathroom. Some nights I've had trouble getting back to sleep, but once I get settled I'm good to go.

Food cravings or aversions: Weird...I only really like to eat during the day. I have no interest in supper. I sometimes try to eat something before bed so I'm not starving, but I'm just really losing my appetite.

Best moment this week:  Lyla slept in her crib with the side taken off ( toddler bed! ) and she's been doing fantastic.  She's such a great little sleeper, I'm so excited to move her to her big girl room once it's ready to go.

Movement: Yep...and starting to hurt now and then. 

Gender:  team green!

Labor Signs: n/a

What I miss:  Being able to keep up with Lyla, I feel like she gets bored with me pretty quickly because I usually just want to put my feet up.

What I’m nervous about:  Doing okay right now.

What I am looking forward to this week: The weekend. I have Dr. appointments tomorrow so I'm taking the Friday off, and enjoying a long weekend!

Milestones & new this week  1 Month left of work...and less than 2 months until my due date! Crazy!

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