Tuesday, May 31, 2011


How far along? 8w2d..hard to believe

Total weight gain: not really paying attention

Maternity clothes? pants? yep, I'm sure I could button my regular pants but it's so uncomfortable.

Feeling: This is kind of day to day/hour to hour.  I do think the diclectin is working, and I haven't been as spacey as I was last week, but still there are moments when I just want to go lie down throughout the day.

Sleep: Better, just never enough of it.

Food cravings or aversions:  Nothing in particular.  I've been drinking lots of chocolate milk, but I think that's just because I want to ! lol

Best moment this week: Telling my Mom, it's nice to be able to talk to her about things.

Movement: nope

Gender: ?

Labor Signs: Thankfully no

What I miss: Having the energy to keep up with Lyla

What I’m nervous about:  Dealing with all of our family this weekend.

What I am looking forward to this week: Lyla's birthday party! I can't believe she is going to be 2!

Milestones & new this week: I think we are now at the size of a raspberry...nothing else too exciting.

 In general I'm just kind of dopey.  I would love to just kind of sit around the house all day napping and snacking as I please.  Mornings, the getting up part have been tough. And I'm finding the afternoons at work really long. I've been trying to find reasons to get out of the office. I find if I'm busy and doing things it's not as bad.
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Tuesday, May 24, 2011


How far along? 7 weeks...yep, missed week 6, it was pretty nasty!

Total weight gain: Honestly? No idea

Maternity clothes? Nothing fits, it's ridiculous. But I haven't pulled out the 'stretchy pants' just yet.

Feeling: Pretty yucky.  Not actually getting sick, thankfully, but exhausted..and just yucky.

Sleep: Annoyingly bad!  I go to bed because I'm SO tired and then I can't get to sleep.

Food cravings or aversions:  Nothing really.

Best moment this week: Told a few people, nice to have people IRL to talk to.


Gender: ??

Labor Signs: n/a

What I miss: Not much.

What I’m nervous about:  Dealing with m/s and a VERY active toddler!

What I am looking forward to this week: Just moving along

Milestones & new this week: Baby is the size of a blueberry. I think there are hands and feet forming in there!

So a general update on last week. Lyla got the flu...yuck, not fun.  Then m/s hit me...also not fun. I was only in my office 1 day and could barely keep my eyes open.  Napped forever but still didn't feel any better.  Did start on diclectin, which I guess is keeping me from getting sick, but it's surely not helping with the exhaustion.  I have had a moment or two of energy, but I'm just overall blah this week.

So positive! lol Really not that bad, thankful I'm not sick like I was last time (yet). Going to work really hard at squeezing some walks in this week!
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Monday, May 9, 2011


How far along? 5 weeks

Total weight gain: Still floating around normal...although the way I'm eating today...who knows!

Maternity clothes? Nope, surprisingly not to uncomfortable.

Feeling: Okay...feeling the fatigue/nausea here and there.

Sleep: Okay

Food cravings or aversions:  Just general, really hungry, then super full etc.

Best moment this week: Nothing too spectacular.


Gender: ??

Labor Signs: n/a

What I miss: Not much.

What I’m nervous about:  Dealing with m/s and a VERY active toddler!

What I am looking forward to this week: Just moving along

Milestones & new this week: Baby is the size of an apple seed! I'll likely get in to see my Dr. this week.

I don't really love this format for my weekly updates, so I think I'm going to have to come up with something a little more exciting for next week!

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Wednesday, May 4, 2011

the many faces of Lyla!

I recently got an iphone (yay) and it is Lyla's favorite 'toy' right now. She especially loves that she can look at her self and take pictures at the same time. It's hilarious!

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Monday, May 2, 2011


How far along? 4 weeks

Total weight gain: Hopefully none yet!

Maternity clothes? Nope, expecting the bloat to kick in soon!

Feeling: Awesome so far...trying to get as much done before m/s sets in.

Sleep: Great!

Food cravings or aversions: Nope

Best moment this week: Seeing dh's reaction to the news.


Gender: ??
Labor Signs: n/a

What I miss: Not much.

What I’m nervous about:  if m/s is going to be as bad this time around.

What I am looking forward to this week: Just moving along

Milestones & new this week: Baby is the size of a poppy seed! lol It's so hard to even imagine that. Amazing.

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