Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Picture catch up

34 Weeks

35 Weeks

Hard to believe how quickly time is flying by!

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Super late, and no pics!

I just finished my last really busy week at work and am really behind on keeping up with my news. I had to put on a volunteer recognition dinner on Friday night, so the whole week was full of getting that ready. But there was lots of other things going on this week too. I hit 34 weeks (pics taken, just not posted...I'll get to that tomorrow), had our hospital tour, which went really well. And I booked maternity pics for next weekend. Very excited about that. I was putting it off because I was feeling bad about spending money on pics of us when I know we will want pics of the baby later. But I found a photographer who offers a package that can be split into 2, 1 hour maternity and then 1 hour of newborn pics. Perfect! So that will be next weekend.

I also had my shower yesterday! My sister hosted at her house and it was really fun. I'll be getting pics from her later this week too so that I can post those. One of my goals for today is to get pics of some of the gifts too so that I can remember what we got from everybody.

I'm out of my office for work the next couple of days, but then I just have 3-4 day weeks left and I'm on mat leave! So excited. Just want to get things done. Enjoying some beautiful spring weather, and hopefully a pretty lazy day today.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

33 weeks...Mini Vacay over

I had a really nice extra long weekend. Got just enough baby 'stuff' that I feel if a baby came I wouldn't have to make a huge list for dh to go pick up at Walmart! lol Had quite a few nice naps (never enough), and realized that I'm so ready to start my mat leave. I came into work this morning to my boss making some drama, as usual, over a stupid meeting tonight (doesn't stress me in the least). I just really don't want to be here anymore, but 1 month left. I guess I shouldn't complain, in reality I only have 18 work days left, I know I can handle that.

I think I am starting to feel the effects of this whole deal though. I'm pretty sure I've got that spread in the pelvis that causes lovely pain whenever I roll over, get up or stand/walk...so nice. Dr. said I'm okay to take tylenol as needed, but to be honest it's more that I can do what I want more than the pain. I think long and hard before rolling over in bed, and stretches that used to feel good feel awful.

Enough complaining though, things are good. My Dr. appointment last night went great. BP is still good, measuring fine, babe's hrate is great, and I'm consistantly gaining about 1.5 lbs every two weeks now (I hit 30lbs last night! lol). Only one more week off and then I'll be weekly appointments until the end. Greg even came with me last night, which was nice, he's been working/playing hockey during most of my appointments so it was nice to have him there.

Had a nice Easter dinner with Greg's family, but really just relaxed for the past week. Can't complain about that. Oh...also, got our HUGE chair for the nursery, it's hilarious, it takes up 3/4 of the room, but so worth it. I could sleep there any day. Which I'm sure I'll be doing lots of.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

32 Weeks...8 months...8 weeks left to go

As if I didn't realize how real this was getting on my own, every random co worker thinks it necessary to lay a 'not long now' comment on me just about daily. Really? I hadn't noticed. We had our L&D 'medical intervention' class last night, pretty eye opening. Great instructor who was able to answer all my questions. I think dh even learned some things.

Not a lot of other news this week. I'm sure I'll think of other things later. But for now, feeling pretty good. A little more sensitive to what I"m eating, just have to think about it a little bit, and feeling more tired. Sleep has become a lot more important these days. This week shouldn't be too bad, only working until Wednesday, and then I'm taking a week (Thursday-Wednesday) off. Looking forward to the break and getting some things done around the house. Lots of church (Easter) and probably dinner in Antigonish on Sunday, but mainly just enjoying the break.