Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Christmas 08

Since it was a possiblity that we may not be interested in travelling next year (with a 7 month old!) we figured we had better get all of our travelling in this year. We did stay home Christmas eve, and then had dinner with Greg's brother and family (three little girls) before we headed off to my parents place(1.5 hour drive). We stayed there for 3 nights and then drove to Greg's parent's (3.5 hours) where his little sister, who is a chef, made us a great dinner. Finally returning home on the 29th (2 hour drive) because we had a Dr.'s appointment on the 30th.

After that we took it pretty easy. Spent a lot of time just puttering around the house, a little bit of shopping and visiting but that was about it. I made an attempt at cleaning up our 'junk room' which somehow is going to magically turn into a baby's nursery over the next couple of months. New Year's was pretty low key as well. I had to play at my churh for mass then we just went over to our friend's new house, they now live in our neighborhood so it was perfect. We just hung out and chatted for a while, the boys played poker, and then we watched the CanadavUSA hockey game. Made it home around 1:30, a very late night for me! The next day we were storm stayed the whole day.

That's about it, here are some pics !

Our Christmas Tree

Ella, attacking our Christmas Tree!

Our first 'married' Christmas Eve (18 weeks)

My gorgeous nephew, Noah, and me on 'Christmas morning'. (it was actually on boxing day)

The whole fam!

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