Saturday, January 10, 2009

Big U/S...Team..

Green! But we knew that ahead of time! They actually won't even tell you gender at our hospital, unless you have to go back for a more in depth screening later. If you want to go pay for your own 3d u/s you can find out there, but we are happy knowing it's a surprise, and are so excited to find out on our baby's birthday.

The process was actually a lot quicker that we had thought. Most people said it was 1/2 hour or more, but it wasn't more that 15 minutes for us, guess we had a cooperative baby. It was really cool to see. Baby is 14 ounces, and is lying there with his/her feet right up over the head. Watching the heart beating was amazing, and seeing all the fingers and toes. It's still a little surreal that it was actually 'our' baby we were looking at.

I still haven't felt a whole lot of movement, and my bump isn't that big, but I'm sure both of those are going to change really soon. I can' believe we are half way already!

1 comment:

Lindsay said...

Awww, so exciting! Glad it went well!