Monday, August 23, 2010

Not this time!

Okay, seriously 'universe'...what is it about me trying to do something good for myself that causes you to throw challenges in my way? Okay, challenge makes it sound so dramatic...more annoying than anything.  Alright, lets back up a minute here.

So my 'healthy eating' plan went out the window a couple of weeks ago, not even sure why, lots of excuses, not worth the time to write them.  However, I did get a good kick in the pants to get moving again and last week, I (re)started the Couch to 5K plan.  Had a great first day, it was hard but I finished it.  Then I went home to visit the parents for the weekend.  Thought I was totally prepared, but I forgot (being so dedicated) went out and bought a pair so that I could go. stupid ipod didn't work. I went anyway, and did my best to count out 60sec runs.  I figured my ipod just needed to be charged, nope...still doesn't work!

Well, I'm going to suck it up and go today anyway.  I really don't have the money for a new ipod..any suggestions on a cheap mp3 player that will work for me?

Week 2 - 1/5

1 comment:

Lindsay said...

Have you tried hooking it up to your computer. Sometimes syncing it with itunes will help.