Tuesday, March 17, 2009

29 Weeks, 3 days

Spring is almost here! So exciting! I'm loving the warmer weather, for many different reasons. The number one reason is that my winter jacket now makes me feel like an even bigger marshmallow than I normally do, and my spring one can't button any more...so it's an open spring jacket, regardless of the weather (come on warm weather!).

Lots of pics this week, so not a ton of news. Lots and lots of movement, sleeping pretty good, still through the night on some nights. Started our prenatal classes last week, have 5 more to go, so far so good. LOVED having last Friday off, made the whole week so much more tolerable and I got a ton of work done knowing I wouldn't be there on Friday. That's about it, maybe I'll update later in the week.

Enjoy the pics!
Belly pics, 29w3d

A special gift from a new Mommy friend of mine. Her advice to me was to enjoy this time 'alone' with the baby, because before you know it you'll have to share him/her with everyone else!

Even DH has started 'nesting', I went in the baby's room last night to find that he had taken the few little things that we have gotten for baby so far and hung them in the closet. So cute. Plus...love the closet organizer he put in for me.

One of my favorite things in the baby's room, the light fixture, so pretty.

Crib is in place, just put the bedding in to see how it would look, dh still has lots of stuff laying around in there. Next step...need some curtains!


Lindsay said...

Aww, the nursery is looking so great! I love the light fixture, it really looks great against the wall!!

Lindsay said...

Ps. You're looking great too :-)