Friday, June 4, 2010

Avoiding writing it isn't going to make it go away!

So I'm pretty sure I've been avoiding writing on here because I don't want to admit that time is going by.  I completely skipped the 11 month update.  as a matter of fact, tomorrow is Lyla's first birthday party!! And she will be 1 on Monday.  Absolutely crazy.  A whole year has gone by, and I really can't even imagine what life would be like without her.

The other big change in our world is that I'm back to work and she's now at daycare, it's been pretty hard on both of us, but we are dealing, and loving every minute we have together.

Next week there will be a big update with pics from the party, but for now...just some of my favorites from the last couple months.

1 comment:

Lindsay said...

Hope you all have a great time today!!