Monday, February 15, 2010

Get moving Monday

Here we go, I'm putting it out there, so hopefully this will help with my motivation.  I have been doing a lot more since Christmas, but now as the real deadline of going back to work starts to loom, I know I have to make use of this time to start some healthy, positive habits.

The problem, using 'getting out of the house' time, in a very bad way.  Example...lets just run over to Walmart, turns into, picking up some baby wipes...and...a couple bags of chips, some pepsi, and stopping at McDonald's on the way home. So not only am I stuffing my face with junk, but I'm spending money that I just don't have.

Motivation ...T-13 weeks until I head back to work, and 27 weeks until I get to slip into this little number...

Yep, in that color.  My brother is getting married this summer, and I'm standing with his awesome fiance.  Love her to death, but we have different tastes in color.  So I figure if I'm going to be rocking the fuscia, I should at least have some nice shoulders and a little less jiggle.

The plan? Doing a little every day.  I have created a small circuit which I plan to do each morning during Lyla's first nap. It will only take 20 min or so, I can handle that.  And I don't have to go anywhere, and I can still watch some TV or whatever while I do it.  Also I want to do decent walk (hopefully moving to light jogging) 3 days a week, the days that I don't do anything else. Tues/Fri/Sun.  I already do Yoga, play volleyball, and go to a mommies in motion group at the mall on the other days.  Which is another goal...actually getting to those sleeping in on Wednesday!

Diet wise...I can't follow diets, I don't stay committed to it.  So instead, I'm going to go with just 3 sensible meals, and bringing an end to the binging. I'm so terrible at that. I have a great breakfast and lunch and then stuff my face with junk in the afternoon. 

I will by no means complain about being 'fat', I'm 5'10'' and carry a little extra weight pretty well (at least when fully dressed), but I"m not happy with the weight I"ve settled into.  I gained close to 40 lbs with Lyla, and lost all of it and more with BF and more after her birth. Now that I've settled into things, enjoyed way too much snacking and have creeped back up.  Right now I'm hovering around 160.  My first goal is to get to 145 before I head back to work, we'll worry about the next step WHEN I reach that goal.

I'm planning Monday check ins...I'm sure there will be some challenges, but hopefully some successes too!

1 comment:

Care said...

Good luck with the weightloss. I bet the dress will look gorgeous on you, since you are so tall. You will rock it!

PS: that main photo is awesome!