Monday, February 8, 2010

A day late, for the 8 month update.

8 months = 2/3 of a year, and just over 3 months until I have to drop Lyla off at childcare for the first time! I know, I still have has much time as many people get total, but I'm still dreading that day. It's not that I hate my job or anything, but I don't love it, and don't miss anything about it when I'm home with my baby girl.

Enough complaining....on to the good stuff!

8 Months!

-eating like a champ! Loves the new high chair
-crawling ALL over the place
-pulls herself up on everything
-loves music, and is constantly sitting in front of the stereo when I put her kindermusik CD on
-napping pretty well
-overnight sleep, generally 12 hours, but sometimes 1 wake up
-loves to stand up in her crib (and jump and scream!)

Overall she's just so much fun, we are on the go all the time. Mom Baby yoga, Baby Reels movies and Mommies in Motion at the mall. She's still great in the car which is such a blessing, so we can pretty much pick up and go at any time.

Everytime I look at her I just can't believe how lucky I am, she's such a sweet baby and makes my life so amazing. Pics coming soon!

1 comment:

CLML said...

Yay Lyla! Its amazing how 2 little girls at the same age can be different developmentally. If that doesn't prove how different each baby is, I don't know what does!

I'm sure going back to work will be tough, but you can do it!