Tuesday, February 10, 2009

24 Weeks

I guess this is the week they call 'viability week', and from what I've been reading it means that if baby JGM were to make a surprise entrance into the world now s/he would have a more than 50% chance at survival. That is pretty crazy to think about. Hopefully we won't ever have to test that out and everybody will just stay right where they are for quite a while longer.

Not a whole lot of baby news this week. The bump is really coming along and the frequency and intensity of the kicks is really starting to pick up. I had a great time last night lying in bed and watching the belly dance all over the place, that was pretty crazy. Greg still doesn't have a lot of patience for sitting around and waiting for kicks, not that I"m really surprised, but I would like him to start getting excited about it too.

Our bedding arrived on Friday. I really do love it, it's really pale/muted, which is exactly what I was hoping for. Now we just have to figure out the furniture situation and we will be off and running with the nursery. Hopefully we'll be able to get the paint picked up this weekend so that the room will be ready to go when we do get the furniture. I've been avoiding making any purchases because I would like that room to be ready to store the stuff. Our house isn't huge and I don't want stuff just lying around any where.

Here are this weeks pics..grow baby grow!

The weekend was a busy one as we went home to visit the folks and to celebrate Dad's big 6-0! We had a nice time, dinner and cake at my brothers after. I also got to spend the day on Saturday with my best friend and her little ones since her MIL was hosting a shower for her. Her 3 year old told me that we are having a girl and that her name should be 'banana baby', too cute. I just realized I should have taken some pics of the birthday boy, but instead all I got was pics of my adorable nephew! Can't take too many of those.

1 comment:

Lindsay said...

Very exciting about the bedding, I want to see picks when you get everything together in the nursery! I'm glad you all had a nice visit at home.