Tuesday, December 9, 2008

2 Weeks until Christmas!

Another week has really flown by. It's amazing how when I started this blog it seemed like it took forever for just one week to go by, now it seems like I'm constantly updating. I'm really going to try and stick to the once a week entry though (we'll see how that works over the holidays!), because I'm not keeping a written journal, which is something I normally do, so when all of this is over I'll want to print this out so I can have a copy to keep.

So this past week included a visit to the Dr. . I went by myself this week, and everything went pretty normally, pee in a cup, weighed myself (up 2 lbs from starting weight). Then I asked her about the increased heart rate/light headiness. She said it was completely normal and just due to the increased blood volume in the body. I will just have to take it easy when changing positions, and also making sure to keep up good nutrition (gotta work on that!) When she checked my blood pressure it was low (104) so she said that was part of the problem as well. We heard babies heart beat, very strong and easy to find, it was 140bpm, such a great sound! She also asked me whether or not I had signed up for pre natal classes, which I hadn't, but I did yesterday. We'll have one class now (tomorrow night) and then the other 6 classes will be in March and April. She also asked if I had thought about my birth plan...uh no, was I supposed to? Guess I should do a little more reading!

Also did some shopping last week, okay quite a bit, and not of the Christmas variety. I have felt so much better being in comfy clothes for the past week, makes life much easier. Although from this weeks picture I don't think I grew that much, in the evenings it sure if nice to not be sitting here with my pants unbuttoned!

Getting very excited for Christmas vacation. I've been thinking about it and I think I'm going to take a full two weeks off. It will give me a chance to get a lot more done around that house, that I'm sure will get a lot more difficult as the months go by, and it will just be a really nice break. There will be some friends around who I will want to visit with, and it will give me a chance to get my hair cut an other things that always get put to the side this time of year.

Very excited to be able to say I'm 4 months pg after this weekend, but crazy as well, where has the time gone? Speaking of time, I have got to get going on the Christmas shopping!

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