Wednesday, November 5, 2008

We have a heartbeat!!

I was so nervous as we got ready to go to the Dr. yesterday. I planned for a late in the day appointment so i wouldn't miss too much work, but it ended up making the day sooo long! Luckily I had to travel for work so I got to go home for lunch and met up with Greg there. My Dr. once again was fantastic and layed back and ready to answer any questions. We did the pee in a cup and blood pressure and weight, and then she gave us the pre doppler warning. Don't be surprised if we don't hear anything, it's still early. But it only took a few seconds to find it. I started laughing so we lost it, but she found it a couple more times. The coolest was when she had both mine and the babies at the same time, crazy.

So Greg had a big smile on his face and all I could do was let out a big sigh of relief. I know I had no real reason to be nervous, but I just didn't want to have my hopes up too high, I can't imagine how hard it would be to get the bad news.

So I haven't thrown up in over a week (once again, 'knock on wood'). There have been lots of times when I thought I would have, or could have, but held off. I'm eating pretty normally again. I find I'm starving in the mornings, but can't quite find something filling that I want to eat before I go to bed. According to the Dr. scale, I'm down 4 lbs from my first appointment, I'm sure that will turn around any time now. My bloat isn't as bad so most of my pants are still pretty comfortable. I haven't looked into any mat clothes yet, and hopefully won't have to for a while. I've pulled out the elastic on a few occasions but that's about it.

So doing pretty well, trying to eat healthy, and I really need to get my butt in gear with some exercise. I've given up on volleyball, I just don't have the energy. Curling is still fun, but not much of a work out. I have a gym membership so I'm thinking even some time on the elliptical or something will be a start. Hopefully soon!

10w3d - Our little heart beating wonder is the size of a hummingbird! How cute?

1 comment:

Lindsay said...

How exciting for you and Greg! I'm glad you were able to hear the heart beat! And yay for no M/S, I hope its over for you!