Tuesday, November 25, 2008


So they say this is the real end of the first tri, guess how I celebrated? Dry heaving while trying to floss. I know, that was pretty risky even trying, but I had a piece of popcorn stuck and I really needed too. Well I paid for it, lesson learned. I was also planning on making a dentist appointment for some day soon. But I figure if I can't handle my own hands in my mouth how will I handle someone elses? Better delay that one until a little later.

Another test for myself today, I'm going to run a high school volleyball practice. The school I helped out at last year made it to provincial finals and they've asked me to come in and work on a few things with the girls. Normally this would be a piece of cake for me, but since I am out of breath from walking up the stairs this morning it could be interesting. I'm just going to have to make sure I get some good food into me all day today and drink lots of water. Hopefully things will go well. I'm so excited for these girls and really want to help in any way I can, just hope I don't pass out while trying to help!

Had some crazy snow here on the weekend. I don't mind it too much right now because it's really pretty, and it's going to get warm and rain here the rest of the week so it will probably all be gone pretty soon anyway. We had fun out shoveling Saturday morning, it felt good to be outside and doing something active. Other than that we were pretty lazy all weekend. We did go to see the new Bond movie which was pretty good (the popcorn was the part I liked the best!) Oh and we did curl Friday night, I guess that's being active too. I'm not sure how long I'm going to be able to do that, hopefully a little ways through the winter anyway, we'll see how it goes. But we do have someone to take over my spot so that's a good thing.

So my plan to tell work at our meeting today fell through, meeting got canceled. Guess I'm just going to have to blurt it out. The pants are just getting so tight now, someone is going to say something soon anyway I'm sure. Plus I ordered some clothes off ebay! So I want to be able to start wearing some mat clothes soon, pants at least.

That's it, good bye first tri, and bloat and puking (hopefully), hello baby belly and elastic waist pants! lol

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