Friday, November 14, 2008

1st Tri coming to an end!

So I'm really late with this weeks entry. Also, based on the fact that Wednesday I sat with my pants unbuttoned all day I think it's probably time for a new belly picture, before I change too much. I was home visiting with my parents last weekend, and because I had Tuesday off I took Monday off to have an extra long weekend. I did a lot of sleeping and good eating, and felt really great by the time I came back home on Tuesday afternoon. Too bad it all went out the window when I sat back down in front of my computer at work on Wednesday. I swear, I hadn't felt nauseous all weekend but and hour or so into the day I felt horrible, and then I ended up getting sick when I got home that evening. I think baby is trying to tell me she really doesn't like working! I agree.

While I was home, I got to go get a pedicure with one of my girlfriends who is a new mommy nice to get to catch up. I also visited with my brother and SIL and my gorgeous nephew, who is just growing like a weed! Plus I visited with my best friend who was due in 2.5 weeks, however, Tuesday night after I left she went into labor and had her beautiful baby girl, Eve Elizabeth that night! I spoke with her last night from her hospital room, and even though she's only had 1 hour sleep in the last 3 days she sounds like she is doing great and is very excited to get home with her big boy Luke (he'll be 3 in January). Unfortunately I won't get to go home to see them until Christmas time. But I'm very excited to go get some baby girl things to send home to them ASAP!

So nothing else too exciting. I'm definitely getting some energy back, Greg actually went to bed before I did last night! That hasn't happened in a long time. Excited for the weekend to start. I have lots to do around the house, but just looking forward to spending time with friends and getting some more good sleeps in. I have choir at church on Sunday ( I play flute...I know I'm a dork!) and both me and my friend who is the director of the choir are going to announce that we are expecting, the ladies are going to be so excited! And I guess starting next week I'll be sending out some more notes to people letting them know the news. I have a staff meeting Nov. 25, so I think I'll wait until then to tell everyone at the office. My boss already knows but I'd like to tell my department face to face. I'm sure they will take care of spreading the news.

That's about it for this week, overall, feeling much better. Weight according to my home scale is still +/- 0. Thinking about buying some maternity stuff, but dealing okay with some elastics and long shirts (maybe catching up on some laundry would help this too!)

11w6d - Baby is the size of an adult Playmobile cute!

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