Friday, April 9, 2010

Trying out some new skills

Since I follow so many different  blogs that have so many fantastic photographers, I've been getting the itch to improve my own technics.  I couldn't afford a fancy SLR or anything but I upgraded from my pocket sized point and shoot, and started playing around with picnik photo editing.  I'm going to make an effort to put some more attention to my pictures.  I realize how amazing it is to have these photos. I've been looking back on some of Lyla's early pictures, and I can't believe the changes.  The more photos the better! Plus as I'll be heading back to work in a months time, I'm certainly want to plaster my office with her beautiul little face!

My first attempt at editing a picture!

1 comment:

Care said...

She is beautiful! Great job. You can do amazing things with point & shoots! They are nifty little cameras.