Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Fun days

If I want to get anything done while Lyla is awake these days I have got to find something to keep her interested.  Her toys? Forget about it.  Books? Not unless I'm reading it to her.  So I go back to the tried and true 'pots and pans'. Well, a colandar, some mixing bowls...anything that isn't hers are the favorites!

With the nice spring weather comes the opportunity to leave the windows open, and Lyla is loving getting to check things out!

Nothing like watching the master's with Daddy!

I can't believe how much Lyla is loving bath time these days.  As soon as she hears me turn on the water she comes crawling and laughing and is so excited.  It's so fun now that she has toys to play with and loves to splash.


Lindsay said...

so cute!

Sarah said...

She is adorable!! Love the pots and pans pic.