This month has bee SO busy, of course Christmas and everything that came with that. But we also added solids to the meal plan. I never really thought about how much this would add to the day. Especially on the days where she makes me wait for 20+ minutes before she'll finally start eating. Here she's working on the prunes and blueberries....mmmm! lol
Daddy got her this little cart for Christmas and when we help her stand up she'll stay there forever. She loves standing and now that she can do it herself she gets very excited.
And we have teeth! 2 of them! I'm not sure if you can see them in this picture or not but they are there. It was quite a long process to get them but she's been in great spirits ever since.
I'm absolutely loving be home with Lyla. I'm already starting to freak out about having to go back to work in May. I know I shouldn't complain about having a full year off, but I'm really getting spoiled by getting to be with her every minute of every day, I just can't imagine not being here with her. Love her sooo much!
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