Monday, April 14, 2008

Another 'season' comes to and end

So I've been looking forward to this week for quite some time. 5 whole commitments! Now there's a concept. I play/coach volleyball for lots of different groups and yesterday they finally all came to an end. I finished my Monday night league last week, along with my Thursday mini volleyball group that I coach. Then this weekend we had provincial championships for my U16 team that I coach (Mon/Tues nights plus most weekends!) So, now I just have a bunch of time to myself!
If I wasn't so sick I would probably be a lot more excited about it. I've decided to drop all the OTC meds/sprays etc. that have gotten me through the last few weeks. I was having headaches in the morning, a sort of cough medicine hangover I think, which I had to fix with an advil, so I've decided that I have to go cold turkey. Hot tea and saline solution is all I get this week, woohoo. But hopefully I'll start to feel better soon. I'm supposed to wait at least 2 more weeks before I contact my Dr. again, hopefully that won't be necessary.
Now I just have to figure out how I'm going to spend all my evenings this week. Maybe Greg will be lucky and get a home cooked meal each night...although probably not tonight. I'm already looking forward to an early night to bed!

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