Total weight gain: Few lbs, not sure
Maternity clothes? Yeah, but I think the bloat is gone now, so time to bring on the real bump! lol
Feeling: Big time turnaround last week. It was on Wed I woke up and felt somewhat was fantastic! Still tired, but no where near as bad as it was. Excited to enter into the 'fun' part of being pregnant.
Sleep: Hit and miss
Food cravings or aversions: Loving my chocolate milk...and, weird eh?
Best moment this week: Realizing I was coming out of my m/s phase...amazing!!
Movement: There's something going on down there!
Gender: ?
Labor Signs: n/a
What I miss: I have really been craving a glass of red wine. I didn't have this issue last time, I think maybe it's just time of year.
What I’m nervous about: First real appointment on Wednesday...just hope everything is okay.
What I am looking forward to this week: My appointment of course. And right after that I have a massage and chiro appointment...that will be awesome. Also a long weekend! Yay Canada Day!
Milestones & new this week...just feeling better, that's the big milestone, and making it to 12 weeks. Seemed so far away for so long!
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