Total weight gain: Few lbs, not sure
Maternity clothes? Yeah, and I'm feeling really frumpy, that annoying 'thick' look.
Feeling: Still yucky, I'm hoping and praying that 12 weeks will bring back some energy, I feel so mopey most of the time, getting frustrating.
Sleep: more would be good :(
Food cravings or aversions: Nothing really, just random how one moment something sounds good, and the next ...yuck.
Best moment this week: nothing too exciting.
Movement: Nope
Gender: ?
Labor Signs: n/a
What I miss: enjoying getting dressed, and I really wanted a glass of red wine this weekend.
What I’m nervous about: Having to go stay with the inlaws this weekend. I'd rather mope in my own house!
What I am looking forward to this week: hoping that everyday I'll feel a little better, and hopefully start getting some exercise in!
Milestones & new this week: Baby is the size of a prune! I'll be going to get blood work, make sure everything is on track.
Other updates? Just have a chiro appointment this week, that usually makes me feel better. Trying really hard to get meals better organized. when I eat healthier I usually feel better overall. That's about it!
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