Total weight gain: Few lbs, not sure
Maternity clothes? Yeah, and I'm feeling really frumpy, that annoying 'thick' look.
Feeling: Generally okay, just hating getting up and going to work, I would rather stay home and rest when I need to. I think I'm going to need to set up a little nap space for lunch time around here!
Sleep: All over the place. I'm SO tired, but then can't fall asleep, last night I was awake half the night, very frustrating.
Food cravings or aversions: Nope...still trying to kick the pepsi...
Best moment this week: All of our family knows now, which makes things much easier.
Movement: Nope
Gender: ?
Labor Signs: n/a
What I miss: Being more active, I know I could be, but I'm just so tired!
What I’m nervous about: I haven't had a chance to see/hear a heartbeat yet, won't be until next week. I just need to know everything is okay.
What I am looking forward to this week: It's only a 4 day week. And there is supposed to be sun most of the week, we've had a horrible spring!
Milestones & new this week: Baby is the size of a lime! That's like a real tangible thing now, crazy.
Other updates? I took 2 days off last week to just rest, it was great, and I got all my clothes organized/laundry done, which was a huge load off. I feel like I could fill 2 weeks just getting things organized around the house though. We spend the weekend with the inlaws and it was pretty good actually. We had lobster yesterday for Father's Day, and Lyla had fun being spoiled. Hoping to continue feeling better this week!
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