Total weight gain: I think I'm going to go by my home scale, because it's a lot different than the Dr.'s, (6lbs!), and that is the one I've been using since the start...sooo 1st tri weight gain = 5lbs
Maternity clothes? Yeah, but so annoying that a lot of the shirts are so big, trying to find a happy medium.
Feeling: Much better! Yay. Still enjoying my sleep though...last night was another 8pm bedtime!
Sleep: Most of the time it's been great.
Food cravings or aversions: Hasn't been an issue this week. Now that the nausea has past it's time to start getting back on the healthy eating train though!
Best moment this week: Meeting my new nephew!! So cute! AND I heard the heart beat on Wednesday, that was awesome!
Movement: I swear I have felt something a couple of times...weird!
Gender: ?
Labor Signs: n/a
What I miss: Not much right now.
What I’m nervous about: I'm feeling pretty settled right now.
What I am looking forward to this week: Trying to get caught up at work and home...being exhausted all the time is tough on the schedule.
Milestones & new this week Entering the 2nd tri! woohoo! and, I believe baby is the size of a
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