We went paint shopping on Saturday. So excited to have that done. I also have the go ahead (he's the budget man) to order our furniture (Ikea, which we don't have here so we are getting it shipped) and...my most exciting order, our stroller. I've spend A LOT of hours researching, and thanks to some tips from my nesties have decided to go with the Bumbleride Indie, it's exactly what I want. Just trying to decide on colors, ruby or seagrass, leaning seagrass, but the ruby is really cute too! the exciting thing is that I found a website that ships to Canada for free! This is a big deal, no American sites do this, so it's great.
We also looked at chairs for the nursery this weekend. I had dreamed of this cute steam lined chair, but I gotta tell you, the big ugly lazy boys...so comfortable! And if I'm going to be spending a lot of time in this thing...which I'm sure I will, I think comfort has to come before looks. Haven't made a decision yet, still have some places to go look, hopefully I'll find something with a happy medium.
So tomorrow is my first appointment with the OB, I've been with my GP up until now, I"m sure I'll have an update on that sometime soon. that's it...here's the belly for this week!
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