Had a pretty good week. Greg has been sick, and I've been having moments of feeling not so hot, but so far I haven't gotten as sick as him. He was away for a couple days on the weekend, so hopefully I won't catch it. I also had my parents over for a visit on the weekend. It was really nice to have them here and to get a chance to share some of the baby prep stuff with them. We went shopping and they bought our pack n play and I bought our car seat. I'm pretty happy with both purchases.

Other than shopping, we went out to dinner one night, but just stayed pretty close to home the rest of the weekend. They will be back over when the baby arrives, but I know that our visits will never be the same again, so tried to soak up the quiet time with them.
We have our first prenatal class at the hospital where I'll be delivering tonight. We've had a few already but they were at a community health center near our place. Tonight is all about labor and delivery so it should be pretty interesting. I've also got a 32 week appointment with my OB tomorrow, and a dentist appointment on Thursday so it's going to be a busy week.
Overall, I'm starting to feel a little more tired again. I'm trying to get to bed early, and when I get to sleep I'm usually fine. The days I don't get sleep are pretty miserable. I find the long days at my desk pretty tough, and spend quite a bit of time day dreaming about going to bed again! My stomach has been a little testy too, I need to be careful not to eat too much at one time, or to eat anything too heavy. But in general I really can't complain.