What's going on? Feet? Crazy swollen, hilarious really, hands a little bit too. Still quite painful to be rolling over in bed, but nothing too bad. My high school stretch marks have decided to sprout some extenstions, and then last night my first PG related only stretch mark appreared...yuck! I guess I should be thankful that it happened after my Mat pictures were taken on Satruday. We had a lot of fun getting them done, I was very impressed with DH, and the photographer was fantastic. I'll talk more about here when my teasers are ready...she said Wednesday.
Had two baby showers (not for me) on Sunday, that was a lot of fun. But the weekend was really exhausting, I feel like I need a break from the weekend. I'm trying to use my evenings better, than just sitting on the couch that is! Got the rest of the shower stuff washed and put away last night. The only other thing I have to do wash wise is the diapers, but I want to wait until I'm home for the day so I can just do the 3/4 cycles one after the other.
Placing one more order for things from a website. And I think that will finish up my 'must have' lists for now. I"m getting a few AIO diapers in newborn sizes and some newborn size covers. Also a hotsling and an ergo carrier...holy crap this baby is expensive! lol
Here's this weeks pic...wonder how many more of these I'll have?
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