I really can't believe how quickly time is flying by. Maybe it's because I'm only actually awake for 12 hours a day (still sleeping pretty early each night), but this month has really flown by. We had a busy weekend, but it actually went pretty well. We took off Friday afternoon and headed to one of Greg's friend's places about 2 hours away. I actually started crying as we pulled up to their house because I didn't feel great and really didn't want to be puking in someone elses house. I know, pathetic, but I was just feeling tired and overwhelmed. I made it through that night and we had a nice brunch with them in the morning before we took off for a wedding, about another 1.5 hours away.
We pulled into the hotel just in time to get ready and head to the church. It was the quickest Catholic ceremony I've ever been to. Under a half hour, with communion, it was kind of crazy. We went over to a friends' place before the reception and got some great news. Friends of ours, who actually live about 2 minutes from us, are due 9 days before me! It shocked both Greg and I and neither of us said anything. I wasn't planning on telling anyone that weekend, and we didn't want to 'steal the thunder' as they say, but I can't wait to tell them. It's going to be so amazing to have someone to go through all of this with.
The dinner was nice, but the dance was pretty quiet, we ended up heading back to the hotel around 12 and had an amazing sleep, gotta love hotel beds. In the morning I actually did tell one of my best friends the news, I knew that she already knew, but had to make it official. Her husband is leaving for two months so I wanted to tell him before he left.
So, you will notice, there is no stories of puking in this whole weekend! Woohoo! I did actually make it through, which was fantastic. I did throw up at lunch time on Friday (yay for my nature walk trail), but that was it for the weekend. The new problem wasn't what was coming out, it was what wasn't coming out. I think I may have dealt with constipation 1 or 2 times in my whole life, and nothing like this! Now I've been going hard core for fruits and veggies, and drinking hot water and lemon like it's going out of style. Seems so be helping, but now I'm just wondering what's next? Seems like it just flows one thing into the next.
The big thing I'm hoping for is to get some energy back. Still pretty tired most of the time. Eating has been fairly good, gained 1 lb back, so -4lbs now. Our next appointment, where we'll try and hear the heart beat with the doppler is going to be early next week, very excited for that. I don't think DH actually believes this is really happening sometimes, and hopefully that will help.

9w3d - Our cute little kumquat!