Here the girls were spending some more time in our little make-shift shelter. Friday night was okay and we got to have the fire going. Then Saturday the rain started...yuck! We went to town for the afternoon and got back to lots more rain. The boys were determined to get a fire going, and we all played dominos/cards under the shelter. Sunday we went for breakfast where DH's sister cooks, and while we were there we found out that everyone had packed up and was heading home. So we left the tent there for the night and stayed with my parents. We went back out in the morning to pack up and I dropped DH off at the ferry to head home, and my week of vacation started.
But, with the week of vacation came a lot more rain! Most of the week I hung around doing nothing. I had dinner with my BFF (due with her second in Nov!) and caught up with my 'old school friends', we started elementary school together! The highlight of the week was probably spending some time with my cute!
We had his baptism on Sunday before I went home, which was a really nice day. My brother wasn't overly impressed with his 'dress', but he looked gorgeous!
So that was vacation 2008, very sad. Now it's back to work, which has been pretty quiet, just waiting for the rush of everything come fall. we are heading to a wedding (5 hour drive, boo!) this weekend. It's DH's best friend, and he is the best man, so it should be a good time. I took Friday off since we have to be there for the rehersal Friday night, and I think I'll be taking the day to do some stuff with SIL which should be fun.
TTC news? 14dpo, waiting, AF is due tomorrow, I'm really hoping she decides to stay away, that would be amazing. I guess if she doesn't arrive tomorrow I will take a test, since some pretty heavy partying will likely happen Saturday night, I'd rather know ahead of time. Keeping my fingers crossed!
1 comment:
So i know this is kinda random but you left me a message on my knot message board about blue shoes. I couldnt figure out how to find you and e-mail you on the so i figured i would do this. sorry if this is inappropriate! I LOVE the shoes that you had for you wedding and I want to know if you can tell me the name or the brand. i checked zappos like you said and i couldnt find it. if you have the info can you e-mail me at
thanks again and if this is inappropriate again i am sorry
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