Let's start with the pics...
Yeah...I've slacked on that too. but seriously, I don't see a big difference. I feel like a grew fast and early and now it's just kind of been a slow growth since then.
How far along? 32w4d
Maternity clothes? Of course...although I'm not enjoying my mat clothes as much as I did last time. I am all about comfort and at home wear as little as possible!
Feeling: I feel like I kind of went through a rough patch where I was kind of grumpy all the time, but I think I've got a little more energy back. Overall the RLP/sciatica is still there (the main problem I think being that I have not been very active!) But I think the Chiro/Massage care I've been getting has made a huge difference.
Sleep: Most of the time not too bad. I'm up once usually for the bathroom. Some nights I've had trouble getting back to sleep, but once I get settled I'm good to go.
Food cravings or aversions: Weird...I only really like to eat during the day. I have no interest in supper. I sometimes try to eat something before bed so I'm not starving, but I'm just really losing my appetite.
Best moment this week: Lyla slept in her crib with the side taken off ( toddler bed! ) and she's been doing fantastic. She's such a great little sleeper, I'm so excited to move her to her big girl room once it's ready to go.
Movement: Yep...and starting to hurt now and then.
Gender: team green!
Labor Signs: n/a
What I miss: Being able to keep up with Lyla, I feel like she gets bored with me pretty quickly because I usually just want to put my feet up.
What I’m nervous about: Doing okay right now.
What I am looking forward to this week: The weekend. I have Dr. appointments tomorrow so I'm taking the Friday off, and enjoying a long weekend!
Milestones & new this week 1 Month left of work...and less than 2 months until my due date! Crazy!