I had a really nice extra long weekend. Got just enough baby 'stuff' that I feel if a baby came I wouldn't have to make a huge list for dh to go pick up at Walmart! lol Had quite a few nice naps (never enough), and realized that I'm so ready to start my mat leave. I came into work this morning to my boss making some drama, as usual, over a stupid meeting tonight (doesn't stress me in the least). I just really don't want to be here anymore, but 1 month left. I guess I shouldn't complain, in reality I only have 18 work days left, I know I can handle that.
I think I am starting to feel the effects of this whole deal though. I'm pretty sure I've got that spread in the pelvis that causes lovely pain whenever I roll over, get up or stand/walk...so nice. Dr. said I'm okay to take tylenol as needed, but to be honest it's more that I can do what I want more than the pain. I think long and hard before rolling over in bed, and stretches that used to feel good feel awful.
Enough complaining though, things are good. My Dr. appointment last night went great. BP is still good, measuring fine, babe's hrate is great, and I'm consistantly gaining about 1.5 lbs every two weeks now (I hit 30lbs last night! lol). Only one more week off and then I'll be weekly appointments until the end. Greg even came with me last night, which was nice, he's been working/playing hockey during most of my appointments so it was nice to have him there.
Had a nice Easter dinner with Greg's family, but really just relaxed for the past week. Can't complain about that. Oh...also, got our HUGE chair for the nursery, it's hilarious, it takes up 3/4 of the room, but so worth it. I could sleep there any day. Which I'm sure I'll be doing lots of.