Wednesday, August 31, 2011

21w 3d

How far along? 21w3d

Maternity clothes?  Yep...last week for this question, seems a little silly now.

Feeling: Feeling pretty good this week. Have a massage and chiro appointment today..that should make me feel even better.

Sleep: Pretty good...slept like a rock last night!

Food cravings or aversions: anything sweet!

Best moment this week:  Date night with dh!

Movement: fun

Gender:  team green!

Labor Signs: n/a

What I miss:  I think I'm pretty happy right now

What I’m nervous about:  Doing okay right now.

What I am looking forward to this week: Finished up my work today...heading out on vacation tomorrow! So very very excited!

Milestones & new this week  Nothing really..definitely feeling the belly in the way more now.

This weeks bump pic..feeling good :)

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Friday, August 26, 2011

20 weeks! Half way!

How far along? 20w5d...poor baby #2...I promise mommy loves you just as much as your sister!

Maternity clothes?  Yes, and very comfortable

Feeling: I hate saying it, but I'm achy and sore most of the time...and it sucks! but overall feeling pretty good.

Sleep: Not too bad...nice flat pillow under my belly and I'm all set

Food cravings or aversions: Food in general :)

Best moment this week:  We had our A/S...all is good, baby was adorable of course! lol

Movement: Quite a bit...loving it

Gender:  team green! (but dh is starting to waver...hmmm, we'll see)

Labor Signs: n/a

What I miss:  Nothing right now

What I’m nervous about:  Doing okay right now.

What I am looking forward to this week: Only 1 more week until vacation! Yay

Milestones & new this week  Half way! OMG how did that happen? This is going so quickly!

This weeks bump pic: Starting to really see it now!

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Wednesday, August 3, 2011


How far along? 17w13...oops falling behind on this one!

Total weight gain:  I'm guessing about 10lbs

Maternity clothes?  yep, that's a given...probably can get rid of this question now :)

Feeling: Pretty good most of the time, still get a little tired here and there. Part of that is because getting comfortable is getting tougher.

Sleep: Pretty good, just need to figure out the right pillow configuration!

Food cravings or aversions: Nope, nothing too serious...still loving my chocolate milk!

Best moment this week:  The best moment is going to be when I get home today! I finally called a cleaning service...I'm so excited to go home to a clean house!  Also swimming with the family on Sunday. Felt so great!

Movement: Haven't felt a lot...looking forward to that!

Gender:  team green!

Labor Signs: n/a

What I miss:  Being comfortable, I feel like I'm constantly adjusting.

What I’m nervous about:  Doing okay right now.

What I am looking forward to this week: A 3 day week! Yay!

Milestones & new this week  Not too much, this kiddo is growing for sure, but I kind of feel like I'm just on cruise control now.

This weeks bump pic: Still feeling 'thick'..not so much pregnant.

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