Wednesday, March 20, 2013

18 Weeks | Babe #3

So I'm not sure if there is still anyone out there...but either way I need to start making some headway on recording this amazing time in our lives.  So we'll start with start with an up to the minute of whats going on...then I'll back things up and make sure we know where we came from!  

Life is going to get pretty crazy!!

How far along: 18 weeks (i.e. due date of August 21, 2013)

How big is baby: According to the bump...a sweet potato...5.6 in, 6.7 ounces

Weight gain/loss: According to my work scale +4lbs, I'll be interested to see what my Dr.'s scale says next week

Stretch marks: Tavis did me in in this department. But they do seem lighter than they were before. Lets just say no bikini belly this summer!
Sleep: Surprisingly still pretty good. Last night I was just thinking I should probably break out the body pillow...sorry hubby!
Diet/Cravings/Aversions: Things have been pretty average. The thing is with so much sickness going around our house I kind of haven't been eating all that much over the last month. But now that my appetite is back I'm going to have to start watching things a little (okay a lot!) more closely.
Movement: Just the past couple of days I've been feeling a whole lot of light movement going on. Can't wait for the more obvious ones to start.
What I'm loving: That Lyla is getting the whole thing and she talks about the baby all the time. Really cute.
Symptoms: Right now I'm kind of in the sweet spot. Not a whole lot going on.  Except this dry skin/break out around my mouth...gross!
What I'm looking forward to:  An appointment next week, and only 2 weeks until our A/S
Best moment of the week: Having my pink eye clear up! (That's a whole other story)
How I'm feeling: Like I said, pretty good right now. And I'm going to enjoy it as best I can!

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