Monday, June 18, 2012

21 day 5

Day 4: fell apart. Fathers day, at the ball field. Didn't plan properly. Lesson...keeping the right stuff around is key.

Day 5: What is your favourite healthy snack or treat?

Probably just fruit in general. Nothing better than some juicy watermelon!

21 day 4

Day 3 : well, couple of slips. Still good to be aware.

Day 4: What is your exercise routine?

Non existent. I'm trying hard to be active with the kids. But nothing set in stone.

21 day three

Day 2: another good day, again realizing how many triggers I have!

Day 3: If you were at your ultimate goalweight right now what piece of clothing you buy/wear?

A pair of skinny jeans in my 'old' size. I'll get there.

Friday, June 15, 2012

21 day 2

Day 1 I eat badly. It's amazing how many times I had to stop and think about what I was going to eat. But I succeeded. One day down.

Day 2: What is your favourite part of your body?

I think I would have to say my height. I know that's not really a 'part'. But it's my favorite thing about my body.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

21 Day challenge...Day 1


NO...cake, donuts, muffins
NO...white bread
NO...chips food cream
NO...pop, sugary drinks

Day 1: What is your current weight and what would you like it to be?

Current: 181 lbs
Goal: 145lbs
*for 21 day challenge: 175

Friday, February 24, 2012

Stationery card

We Heart Boy Birth Announcement
Find 100's of cute birth announcements at Shutterfly.
View the entire collection of cards.

Saturday, January 14, 2012

He's here!

Yep. We have a boy!

Tavis Tutty joined us January 5th at 3:40pm. 7lbs 4oz

We are doing really well, and enjoying our family of 4.

Pics and FAST birth story to come!

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