Monday, April 26, 2010

So much going on!

'm a little overwhelmed today.  I have a sick husband (who refuses to take a sick day!), a sick baby, stuffy nose, cough and another top took coming through! (That's 5 teeth).  And a sore throat/stuffy nose for me.  But my biggest issue right now is cracked nipples, yep you read that right, I have a 10.5 month old baby who I've been exclusively bf the whole time, yet I feel like I'm starting all over again! Not sure what the issue is.  At first I just thought it was adjusting her latch to the new upper teeth, but we are going on about a month now and it's not getting better! So sore.

I've been using Newman's nipple cream, lanolin, medela hydragel pads, you name it.  I even tried numing today with frozen vegetables (didn't work). So I have an appointment with my Dr. on Wednesday to see if there's anything I'm missing, but I'm totally open to suggestions.

It's not that I'm super far away from weaning, but I don't want to end on a bad note, kwim?  By the way, dd doesn't take a bottle (at all...we've tried EVERYTHING) so pumping isn't an option.  The worst thing right now is that since she's sick, she usually gets to nurse more and finds that soothing, but I can't do that since it hurts so bad, so I feel awful.

But of course as annoyed as I am, she's still super cute...

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Fun days

If I want to get anything done while Lyla is awake these days I have got to find something to keep her interested.  Her toys? Forget about it.  Books? Not unless I'm reading it to her.  So I go back to the tried and true 'pots and pans'. Well, a colandar, some mixing bowls...anything that isn't hers are the favorites!

With the nice spring weather comes the opportunity to leave the windows open, and Lyla is loving getting to check things out!

Nothing like watching the master's with Daddy!

I can't believe how much Lyla is loving bath time these days.  As soon as she hears me turn on the water she comes crawling and laughing and is so excited.  It's so fun now that she has toys to play with and loves to splash.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Adventures in dinner time!

These days I don't know what I'm going to run into at meal time.  Sometimes a happy hungry baby, sometimes...not so much!

Friday, April 9, 2010

Trying out some new skills

Since I follow so many different  blogs that have so many fantastic photographers, I've been getting the itch to improve my own technics.  I couldn't afford a fancy SLR or anything but I upgraded from my pocket sized point and shoot, and started playing around with picnik photo editing.  I'm going to make an effort to put some more attention to my pictures.  I realize how amazing it is to have these photos. I've been looking back on some of Lyla's early pictures, and I can't believe the changes.  The more photos the better! Plus as I'll be heading back to work in a months time, I'm certainly want to plaster my office with her beautiul little face!

My first attempt at editing a picture!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

10 Months

Spring is here and we are loving it! Lyla and I have been on 'vacation' all last week, and besides a few rainy days we were loving every minute.  We spent the week with my parents, who spoiled her rotten of course.  Now she expects to be entertained, picked up, played with every minute of every day! But she's still cute of course, so I just laugh at the CONSTANT whining. lol

What's new?

Cruising all over the place. She actually doesn't like to stand up as much now because she realizes she can get there much quicker crawling.

Two top teeth! She looks so much older with two top teeth.  And she's chewing on everything.

She's SO big.  She is wearing mainly 12 month clothing.  Of course her fluffy cd bum fills things out quite a bit, but she needs them for length too.

Tricks? Clapping, hands above her head, blowing kisses (well, kind of), the head tilt.  Constantly entertaining us.

New favorite activity is the swing at the park. So much fun watching her kicking and smiling and giggling away!